A few years ago, commentators argued that “data is the new oil”:1 a precious commodity that makes the world go ‘round. Instead of wars for control over natural resources, à la Iraq, Libya, and Syria, the new battles will be fought across informational landscapes by tyrannical tech monopolies (for Digital Control) whose software is based on designs that emerged from the state-funded military sector and whose power is too vast for governments to break.
For-profit transhumanism was the plan all along. Referring to brain implants, the founder and head of what became the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, said in 2016: “first we will implant them in our clothes as ‘wearables’ and then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains or in our skin.” Schwab said that this will eliminate the boundaries between digital and physical space.2 In 2017, Jun Wang, co-founder of the health company iCarbonX, said: “We want an exact 3-D figure of you: the fat, the muscle – your entire body shape, plus facial recognition, and what’s going on with your skin.”3
Governments’ responses to the Covid pandemic worldwide have given our new biotech overlords the perfect opportunity to roll out and impose a myriad of next-generation gadgets for the control of humanity.
Consider how anti-democratic forces have exploited national health services for profit. Billionaire tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel once wrote: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”4 In-Q-Tel is a US Central Intelligence Agency seed-funding company whose investments, with others, helped to set up Google and Thiel’s Palantir: an AI and analytics company.5 Palantir was awarded US Defense Department contracts in foreign battlefields, including Afghanistan, to build biometric databases of the world.6
NHSX is a unit of the British National Health Service (NHS) designed to put the final nails in the NHS coffin by digitising patient care. In July 2019, long before the world was aware of the growing pandemic, Palantir UK’s Louis Mosley dined with the chair of NHS England, David Prior. The pair discussed selling NHS data to the US-based firm.7 In 2020, with Covid ripping through Britain, Palantir was awarded a £23 million contract under the secret Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud 11 Framework.8 The NHS later developed its own App for track and trace, which in April 2021 the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, said could be used for vaccine travel passports.9
GenVis is an Australian company specialising in surveillance analytics. It describes itself and its products as building and presenting “compelling criminal cases underpinned by video forensics,” “real time intelligence,” and “people management.”10 A snazzy GenVis video promotes Australia’s 500 per cent increase in CCTV over the last decade, adding that 80 per cent of footage is unused due to monitoring costs. GenVis’s “intelligence path mapping” software can rectify this alleged problem by tracking targets and using visuals to make data easy to understand.11 The authorities in both South and Western Australia gave GenVis a contract to monitor Covid patients in quarantine via the G2G Now app, which the police also utilise to enforce travel restrictions.12
Accenture is a company with an Australian presence that provides numerous services, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data analytics.13 Accenture has also won military consultation contracts and promotes the aerospace sector on its website.14 In March 2021, the Australian government teamed up with numerous companies, including Accenture, to deliver vaccines to the population. Greg Hunt, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, said: “Accenture will provide tracking of vaccine doses as well as enabling overall program implementation monitoring.”15 Vaccine bookings would be managed by HealthEngine: a company that boasts 1.5 million monthly users, most of whom are Australia’s 70,000 GPs and health clinics. But the company had already been fined for unlawfully sharing patient data.16
International Business Machines (IBM) provided Hollerith punch-card systems to Nazi Germany, which the regime used to code and tabulate non-Aryans for slave labour and extermination.17 IBM also made money off the back of the US taxpayer. By the 1950s, for example, the IBM 701 computer was processing 17,000 instructions per second for researchers and the US government.18 The pandemic has given IBM an opportunity to utilise its data-gathering and processing for public health services. The US government contracted IBM to develop a Digital Health Pass. The operation is described as follows: “Pharmacies and labs can issue verifiable credentials – such as test results or Covid-19 vaccine certificates – and send to an individual’s smartphone.”19
According to the New York State, the Excelsior Pass “provides a free, fast and secure way to present digital proof of Covid-19 vaccination or negative test results.”20 The Excelsior Pass is based on IBM’s Digital Health Pass.21 Carbon Health, the Commons Project, the CARIN Alliance, Evernorth, the Mayo Clinic, Microsoft, the MITRE Corporation and many others have spawned a mini vaccine/test passport industry via apps and initiatives like Change Healthcare, FirstVitals, and VaxYes.22
IBM’s systems are built on a new model of data storage that creates new endpoints tied to previous information: blockchain. Blockchain advocates reckon that end-to-end data can fast-track test results and vaccine certificates.23 But blockchain potentially threatens privacy by including in the chain all the informational points about the given person.
For decades, privacy advocates have warned about the incremental steps toward a cashless society in which every transaction by every citizen is not only tracked, recorded, and analysed but marketised in the form of surveillance capitalism. Buying habits form personal profiles of the consumer from which insurance companies, data brokers, and advertisers profit. Blockchain was created specifically for cashless digital money transactions called cryptocurrency.24 Fear of catching Covid has made growing numbers of consumers and shop assistants increasingly reluctant to handle cash, so much so that by November 2020, nearly six in 10 consumers were willing to pay bank fees in order to make non-physical transactions.25
As with data companies, cryptocurrency designers have used Covid as an opportunity to promote their products. “Governments are very interested in the cashless society,” says the Financial Times. In the US, the Federal Reserve has quarantined its cash. The e-commerce-friendly Chinese Community Party, which had already encouraged payment by QR codes, has literally disinfected its money. The Reserve Bank of India has actively encouraged electronic payments.26
Financial technology (fintech) is another sector actively stimulated by governments. FinTech Magazine reports that the kind of biometrics envisaged by the likes of Klaus Schwab originated in the 19th century with the eugenicist Francis Galton. As growing numbers of apps and software on iPhones, iPads and other devices give users the option or indeed require having fingerprint recognition, palm prints, voice recognition, and eye scans, cryptocurrencies go hand-in-hand with biometrics. Set up by the entrepreneur Mihai Draghici, PayByFace, for instance, uses recognition algorithms to enable instant transactions. Similar companies have focused on eye recognition in light of mask mandates that render whole-of-face recognition software useless.27
In America, the Scripps Research Translational Institute “aim[s] to make individualised medicine a reality for everyone. We use the tools of genomics and digital medicine combined with cutting-edge informatics techniques to better understand each individual and ultimately render more effective healthcare.”28 Over the years, the Institute has received money from the US Department of Defense, including grants to build an artificial immune system.29 In August 2020, employees of the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System wore the Institute-produced Fitbit watch designed to identify early Covid symptoms.30
In 2018, Amazon acquired Wholefoods for $13.4 billion. A few months ago, it was reported that in Wholefoods stores in Seattle, customers will be able to wave their palms over biometric payment devices as they previously had at Amazon One stores.31 The news comes at a time when Amazon Prime drivers are quitting over company demands that they consent to yield their biometric data in the form of in-car surveillance that monitors them to authenticate their identity and track their levels of fatigue as they drive.32
In an era of what the US Pentagon calls “full-spectrum dominance,” these separate nodes of technology create a cohesive whole that scans, tracks, and monitors not only every movement and digital transaction but, increasingly, the very intimate and sovereign inner space of the human being. The ancient wisdom that teaches lack of separation between the human and the infinity of god is being replaced with a new philosophical paradigm: the human as a data point in the infinite universe of 0s and 1s, whose gods are the surveillance capitalists and transhumanists, like Jun Wang and, more powerfully, Klaus Schwab and his technofascist ilk.
Dr T.J. Coles is an associate researcher at the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, a columnist with Axis of Logic, a contributor to numerous publications (including CounterPunch and Truthout) and the author of several books including Manufacturing Terrorism (Clairview Books), Human Wrongs (iff Books) and Privatized Planet (New Internationalist).
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2022-06-28 03:25:32-04
New study by Protiviti and ISACA underscores security risks looming large in today’s dynamic threat landscape
MENLO PARK, Calif., June 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A new survey conducted by Protiviti and ISACA found that cybersecurity is the chief risk for IT audit departments, with several related risks such as privacy and data as well as regulatory compliance also ranking as top concerns.
Responses to this year’s edition of the annual technology and audit benchmarking survey, titled “IT Audit Perspectives on Today’s Top Technology Risks,” indicate that IT audit teams are perceiving the current technology risk landscape as much more threatening than in the past. War-related cyberattacks are on the rise, the surge of sophisticated ransomware attacks is ongoing and remote work continues to subject many organizations to new cybersecurity risks. Yet despite heightened concerns, the survey revealed that one in five organizations do not expect their 2022 audit plans to address the risk of cybersecurity breaches.
“Given the increasingly complex and rapidly changing technology risk landscape we’re in, it’s imperative for IT audit leaders to understand they are responsible for maintaining a holistic view of IT risks impacting the entire organization,” said Angelo Poulikakos, a managing director at Protiviti and global leader of the firm’s Technology Audit practice. “This requires tech-enablement from an audit standpoint and regular calibration of risk assessments to suit the current environment, rather than ‘rinsing and repeating’ the work from previous years.”
“The elevated cybersecurity concerns evidenced in this year’s survey underscore that cyber threats are no longer concentrated within specific industries. This is an industry agnostic concern, and every organization should be mobilizing to protect itself. While IT audit teams may not be on the front lines managing these risks, it’s essential that they take a proactive approach to regularly assess the efficacy of these efforts while confirming the proper controls and protections are in place,” added Poulikakos.
The Top 10 IT Audit Risks for 2022 The survey asked respondents to rate the significance of 39 technology risk issues. Of those, the top 10 IT audit risks identified were as follows:
Cyber breach
Manage security incidents
Monitor regulatory compliance
Access risk
Data integrity
Disaster recovery
Data governance
Third-party risk
Monitor/audit IT, legal and regulatory compliance
The top risks cited in this year’s survey highlight the vital yet sensitive role that data plays in organizations today, with respondents expressing significant concerns regarding the way in which data is gathered, governed and secured. Respondents also demonstrated that IT audit professionals are acutely aware of the evolving compliance requirements facing their organizations, related to data stewardship, industry standards, and national and regional requirements.
“With a global focus on data regulation, it may be easy to view data solely through a lens of compliance,” said Paul Phillips, ISACA director of Event Content Development and Risk Professional Practice lead. “However, consumer concern with how their data are used and stored and other operational matters that can quickly become reputational matters must not be discounted. As IT auditors assess risk and evaluate controls associated with data, the tremendous organizational value (and responsibility) of data and the importance of trust should always be top of mind.”
The benchmarking report is based on a survey, fielded in the fourth quarter of 2021, of over 7,500 IT audit leaders and professionals, including chief audit executives (CAEs) and IT audit vice presidents and directors, representing a wide range of industries globally. The survey was conducted in collaboration with ISACA, a global professional association of more than 165,000 digital trust professionals.
Survey Resources Available “IT Audit Perspectives on Today’s Top Technology Risks” is available for complimentary download, along with an infographic and podcast about the survey results, here
. On July 28, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. PDT, Protiviti will host a free one-hour webinar to further explore the implications of the survey. Featured speakers will be Poulikakos, Phillips and Maeve Raak, a director in Protiviti’s Technology Audit practice. Please register here
to attend the webinar.
About Protiviti Protiviti (
) is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach, and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders confidently face the future. Protiviti and its independent and locally owned Member Firms provide clients with consulting and managed solutions in finance, technology, operations, data, digital, legal, governance, risk and internal audit through its network of more than 85 offices in over 25 countries.
Named to the 2022 Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list, Protiviti has served more than 80 percent of Fortune 100 and nearly 80 percent of Fortune
500 companies. The firm also works with smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public, as well as with government agencies. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half (NYSE: RHI
). Founded in 1948, Robert Half is a member of the S&P 500 index.
About ISACA ISACA® (www.isaca.org
) is a global community advancing individuals and organizations in their pursuit of digital trust. For more than 50 years, ISACA has equipped individuals and enterprises with the knowledge, credentials, education, training and community to progress their careers, transform their organizations, and build a more trusted and ethical digital world. ISACA is a global professional association and learning organization that leverages the expertise of its more than 165,000 members who work in digital trust fields such as information security, governance, assurance, risk, privacy and quality. It has a presence in 188 countries, including 225 chapters worldwide. Through its foundation One In Tech, ISACA supports IT education and career pathways for under resourced and underrepresented populations.
Protiviti is not licensed or registered as a public accounting firm and does not issue opinions on financial statements or offer attestation services.
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2022-07-10 02:40:21-04
NEW YORK, July 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Blockchain security startup BlockSec announced the completion of the Seed Plus funding round with $8M raised. The funding round was co-led by Vitalbridge Capital and Matrix Partners, with participation from investors Mirana Ventures (Venture Partner of Bybit), CoinSummer, and YM Capital.
Founded in 2021, BlockSec’s mission is to provide security infrastructure for the entire blockchain ecosystem. With cutting-edge technologies, BlockSec enhances the security of decentralized applications, detects high-impact blockchain vulnerabilities, and blocks sophisticated security attacks.
Since last year, BlockSec has provided security audit services to more than one hundred clients, in both Solidity and Rust ecosystems. BlockSec has developed a real-time on-chain monitoring system to block ongoing attacks and rescued more than 5 million assets, including 3.8 million for the stablecoin DEX Saddle Finance [1]. BlockSec has identified multiple critical vulnerabilities on the Solana blockchain, with nearly one million bug US dollar bounty awarded. Also, the flash loan monitoring system [2] and the transaction visualization system [3] developed by BlockSec are two public tools widely used by the blockchain security community.
With the raised funding, the company plans to expand its research and production team and provide the on-chain monitoring and attack interception capability to more decentralized applications.
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and oftentimes public, digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that are used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. This allows the participants to verify and audit transactions independently and relatively inexpensively. A blockchain database is managed autonomously using a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping server. They are authenticated by mass collaboration powered by
collectiveself-interests. Such a design facilitates robustworkflow where participants’ uncertainty regarding data security is marginal. The use of a blockchain removes the characteristic of infinite reproducibility from a digital asset. It confirms that each unit of value was transferred only once, solving the long-standing problem of double-spending. A blockchain has been described as a value-exchange protocol. A blockchain can maintain title rights
because, when properly set up to detail the exchange agreement, it provides a record that compels offer and acceptance
Logically, a blockchain can be seen as consisting of several layers:
infrastructure (hardware)
networking (node discovery, information propagation and verification)
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2022-08-15 00:05:22-04
No! No Payment Implants
Walletmor, the world’s only manufacturer of payment implants, has just sold its thousandth implant, which is a breakthrough in the company’s development.
LONDON, UK, August 12, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Walletmor, the world’s only manufacturer of payment implants, has announced another success story. The company has just sold its thousandth implant, which is a breakthrough in the company’s development. The implant number 1000 was purchased by a resident of Turku, Finland. This geographic location is no surprise to Walletmor, as Scandinavia accounts for 20% of the company’s global sales.
– I believe that exceeding the barrier of 1000 implants is our startup’s transition to the next, higher level. A similar milestone was the obtaining of the ISO 10993-5: 2009E biocompatibility certificate in 2021. It was the first significant turning point in the company’s history. We proved internationally that our technology is safe. From now on, the sale of implants, which we will count in the thousands, will be a clear signal to the market that our startup is just accelerating – says Wojtek Paprota, CEO and founder of Walletmor Ltd.
The Walletmor implant, placed just under the skin, is the only commercially produced solution of this type in the world. The microprocessor with the antenna covered by a safe biopolymer works like a regular credit or debit card. That means that the implant can be used almost anywhere in the world.
2022 is the second year of Walletmor operation. At the moment, sales are conducted in the European Economic Area and the United States. This year’s expansion plans also apply to the Middle East countries. Walletmor has already actively participated in the Expo in Dubai and fruitful talks with partners from countries in the Persian Gulf. Currently, Walletmor is working with research units on the possibility of safely placing medical data in implants, including, for example, about allergens and past diseases. The price of the implant in the US is $299, while in the European Union it is €199.
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2022-09-30 02:55:28-04
DPS Cyber Security aids in the recovery of bitcoins that have been stolen.
UNITED STATES, September 29, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Given the volatile nature of the crypto market, Forex companies must maintain up-to-date services and security. As an industry leader, DPS Cyber Security maintains compliance with all market requirements, making them a preferred choice for cyber investigation among businesses and investors.
DPS Cyber Security is a renowned crypto recovery firm with a decade of experience in the cryptocurrency industry. The company operates on a no-win, no-fee basis and specializes in identifying and recovering stolen cryptocurrency. Since its inception, the organization has focused on how to recover stolen crypto.
As the investment in the Forex market gets more popular among a new generation of investors, the company saw the need for a cybersecurity agency that provides services pertaining to the crypto world’s security and aids to recover money back from romance scam and other cryptocurrency scams.
DPS Cyber Security has positioned itself as a secure solution for crypto recovery. In its recent expansion, the organization has devised innovative strategies for recovering digital cryptocurrency lost by investors, traders, and corporations as a result of fraud.
Their services give the necessary support in tracing down their clients’ stolen bitcoins in order to handle any issues with their wallets, ensuring that their clients are not left in the cold. The company’s newly designed services contain the following features: Safe & Secure process, 97% Recuperation Rate, Genuine investigators, Advanced Global System, Fast Response, dedicated Case Supervisor, and more.
Numerous individuals perceive the rising value of crypto assets and opt to invest in them as a hedge against inflation, devaluation, and other disasters. However, many people have lost thousands of dollars in investments due to the fraudulent conduct of cyber criminals. Recovering digital cash is difficult, and it is best not to take the chance. Therefore, the most secure method is to employ trustworthy cyber forensics firms such as DPS Cyber Security.
For the recovery of lost cryptocurrencies, DPS Cyber Security specialists deploy highly efficient and optimal procedures, such as: – It gives information and evidence regarding financial cybercrime. – The company locates the missing cryptocurrency, and – In addition, it generates a comprehensive analysis of the transaction and suspicious wallets.
Then, DPS specialists evaluate the parties involved, the technologies utilized, and the digital footprint of the scammers.
They only employ cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies, including premier digital location techniques and digital forensics, which allow them to find the missing cryptocurrency.
When asked what sets DPS Cyber Security apart, the CEO of the company stated: “I would strongly recommend DPS Cyber Security’s services to any business or individual victimized by crypto-asset theft. Our company specializes in recovering stolen property. Our competent and knowledgeable staff ensures that all bitcoin transactions are conducted securely and that consumers make no mistakes.”
Contact: Mark Goodman Email: [email protected] Address: 2nd Floor, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD, UK
About DPS Cyber Security DPS Cyber Security offers forex trading scam recovery help. It has been in operation for three decades and has mostly engaged in the crypto industry for the past decade. Mark Goodman, the company’s Head of Cybersecurity, and his team of bitcoin recovery specialists, investigators, and technical experts have over thirty years of experience in cybersecurity and digital location strategies.
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2022-10-02 01:20:47-04
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), the research and development arm of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, today announced the launch of a program that seeks to engineer novel artificial intelligence technologies capable of attributing authorship and protecting authors’ privacy (Linguistic Fingerprint Technology).
The Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure (HIATUS) program represents the Intelligence Community’s latest research effort to advance human language technology. The resulting innovations could have far-reaching impacts, with the potential to counter foreign malign influence activities; identify counterintelligence risks; and help safeguard authors who could be endangered if their writing is connected to them.
The program’s goals are to create technologies that:
Perform multilingual authorship attribution by identifying stylistic features — such as word choice, sentence phrasing, organization of information — that help determine who authored a given text.
Protect the author’s privacy by modifying linguistic patterns that indicate the author’s identity.
Implement explainable AI techniques that provide novice users an understanding, trust, and verification as to why a particular text is attributable to a specific author or why a particular revision will preserve an author’s privacy.
“Each of the selected performers brings a unique, novel, and compelling approach to the HIATUS challenge,” said program manager Dr. Tim McKinnon. “We have a strong chance of meeting our goals, delivering much-needed capabilities to the Intelligence Community, and substantially expanding our understanding of variation in human language using the latest advances in computational linguistics and deep learning.”
Through a competitive Broad Agency Announcement, IARPA awarded HIATUS research contracts to the following lead organizations, which together bring more than 20 academic institutions, non-profits, and businesses into the program:
Charles River Analytics, Inc.
Leidos, Inc.
Raytheon BBN
SRI International
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
The HIATUS test and evaluation team consists of Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Pacific Northwest National Labs, and the University of Maryland Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security.
IARPA invests in high-risk, high-payoff research programs to tackle some of the most difficult challenges of the agencies and disciplines in the Intelligence Community. Additional information on IARPA and its research may be found on www.iarpa.gov.
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2022-10-14 02:38:21-04
25+ sessions (and more to be announced) showcasing recent developments and the direction of open source in financial services and providing unique opportunities to hear from and engage with those who are leveraging open source software to solve industry challenges.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, and co-host Fintech Open Source Foundation
(FINOS), a nonprofit whose mission is to accelerate adoption of open source software, standards and best practices in financial services, today announced the conference schedule for Open Source in Finance Forum New York 2022 (OSFF). The event will take place December 8 in New York City. The schedule can be viewed here
OSFF is the only conference dedicated to driving collaboration and innovation in financial services through open source software and standards. The event will provide practical knowledge and guidance on best practices, tools and technologies, explore how to build a successful community, and provide unparalleled opportunities to network with the executives and individuals driving open source in financial services.
Keynote speakers and additional conference sessions will be announced in the coming weeks.
Registration is offered at the rate of US$275 through October 19. Members of The Linux Foundation receive a 20 percent discount – members can contact [email protected]
to request a member discount code. Members of FINOS can attend at no cost – members can contact [email protected]
to request the FINOS Member registration code.
Health and Safety While wearing a mask at this event is strongly recommended, we are no longer mandating masks be worn. Attendees will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or provide a negative COVID-19 test to attend, and will need to comply with all on-site health measures, in accordance with The Linux Foundation Code of Conduct. To learn more, visit the Health & Safety webpage.
Diversity & Need-Based Scholarships and Travel Funding
Applications for diversity and need-based scholarships are currently being accepted here
. The Linux Foundation’s Travel Fund is also accepting applications, with the goal of enabling open source developers and community members to attend events that they would otherwise be unable to attend due to a lack of funding. We place an emphasis on funding applicants who are from historically underrepresented or untapped groups and/or those of lower socioeconomic status. To learn more and apply, click here
Sponsor For information on becoming an event sponsor, click here or email us for more information and to speak to our team.
Press Members of the press who would like to request a press pass to attend should contact Kristin O’Connell.
(The Fintech Open Source Foundation) is a nonprofit whose mission is to foster adoption of open source, open standards and collaborative software development practices in financial services. It is the center for open source developers and the financial services industry to build new technology projects that have a lasting impact on business operations. As a regulatory compliant platform, the foundation enables developers from these competing organizations to collaborate on projects with a strong propensity for mutualization. It has enabled codebase contributions from both the buy- and sell-side firms and counts over 40 major financial institutions, fintechs and technology consultancies as part of its membership. FINOS is also part of the Linux Foundation, the largest shared technology organization in the world.
About the Linux Foundation Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation and its projects are supported by more than 2,950 members. The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, Hyperledger, RISC-V, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at https://linuxfoundation.org/.
The Linux Foundation Events are where the world’s leading technologists meet, collaborate, learn and network in order to advance innovations that support the world’s largest shared technologies.
The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Media Contact Kristin O’Connell The Linux Foundation [email protected]