Re-engage Your Subscribers

Download How to Run a Reactivation Campaign

When you check your email reports to see how your campaign is doing, you may notice a strange phenomenon: sleeping subscribers.

They haven’t bought anything, clicked anything or even opened anything from you in months. They are completely inactive.

Which means they’re not doing your business much good. And they’re not getting much out of your messages, either.

Plus, their inactivity is dragging down your delivery rates.

So How Do You Re-engage Them?

First, you need to find out what’s going on. Can you reinterest those subscribers? Do you have to cut them loose?

But how do you figure that out? And how do you manage the technical side of things?

We knew you’d ask! So we put this guide together to walk you through the entire process.

Your Reactivation Guide Includes:

  • An explanation of the benefits of running such a campaign
  • 3 reasons subscribers may have gone inactive
  • Detailed instructions for the 6 steps of reactivation
  • Tips for dealing with newly reactivated readers
  • 3 examples of real-life reactivation messages
  • Screenshots of the process in your AWeber account

If your list is full of sleepy subscribers, download the guide now and start waking them up.

Even if you don’t want to do any reactivating today, the guide is free, so you can download it anyway. Read through the reasons to run you may want to reactivate. Then when you’re ready to go for it, you’ve got the guide.

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